Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Little Girl running

These animations are all a part of a series involving this little girl.

fat man

This was a flash rendering of a cartoon character.I saw it somewhere and drew it in flash using brush...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

front run

graphics in photoshop from a Fairy Tale

The graphics were created for a an animated kids story in flash.Thses were enhanced in photoshop for print version.

sketches, caricatures

The sketching in general

walking stick animation

school stick animation

stick animations

I did these animations at a contract basis for a adult-education programme for Indian Villages....They were a part of a movie done in same style.

the child running animation

This is a clip from my earlier work, for a girl_child related animated film.This clip is of initial stage...we showed the child running and she grows up during this sequence, and turns into a 9 year old girl still running.So it was like moving the story forward in one sequence.Unfortunately the movie was never completed due to some problems and all I have to show now are these small clips that I am sharing with you here....

child run animation clip

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Animation is what I do for a living.i am an artist by nature and animator by profession.These days I work from home , but i am always on look out for good animation projects, as i love the challanges animation poses.
Its a pity that Delhi, here I live, has a very limited scope for good animation.
2d animation/character animations/animated movies are not done on a big level here,so the animators like me are always hungry for good work!
I just hope this blog helps me to connect with people who are in this industry...


This is my new blog about art and animation.